Austin Overnight Newborn Care Pricing
Caregiver Pay:
When you hire a professional for your family, you will pay $40-45/hr for Newborn Care Specialists and $35-40/hour for Overnight Newborn Nannies (depending on the level of expertise you require; additional for multiples). There is a minimum of 3 nights/week for 4 weeks.
Registration Fee:
A $200 membership fee will be charged when we present you with candidates for your consideration.
Placement Fees:
Placement fees vary based on the number of nights per week that you will be utilizing a night nanny. Barring a specialized search for multiples or other customized needs, the typical weekly placement fees are:
- $150/week for 3 nights/week or less
- $175/week for 4 nights/week
- $200/week for 5-7 nights/week