Most Popular School Year Schedule

The Most Efficient Schedule for Busy Families

As the school year approaches each fall, more families are opting for a Family Manager with a 12-6pm schedule. This approach ensures that parents come home from work with so much already accomplished, allowing them to truly relax and enjoy quality time with their children.

Why that schedule?

This schedule provides a perfect balance of household management and childcare, enabling your Family Manager to efficiently tackle all of your most pressing needs while you’re away and kids are in school.

How is that time allotted?

For the first half of their shift, your Family Manager tackles essential household tasks (will vary by your family’s specific priorities), such as:

  • Doing children’s laundry
  • Running errands (grocery shopping, returns, etc.)
  • Preparing children’s meals and snacks and/or family meal food prep (washing, chopping, measuring, preheating)
  • Making school lunches
  • Tidying up such as wiping down counters, loading/unloading the dishwasher, picking up/organizing children’s rooms and playrooms
  • Scheduling and calendar management (making appointments, scheduling or meeting a contractor or vendor, researching/registering for activities, putting practice/game/etc. schedules into the family calendar)
  • Prepping items for activities (uniforms, water bottles, equipment, etc.)
  • Walking the dog (some candidates)
  • Handling special or seasonal projects: Organize pantry, closets, etc.; purging children’s old clothes/toys and taking to donate

In the second half of their shift, your Family Manager shifts focus to childcare duties:

  • Picking up the children or meeting them at the bus stop
  • Transporting them to/from activities
  • Homework assistance or support
  • Curriculum/learning activities
  • Engaging the children in indoor and outdoor activities (books, music, walks, play, arts/crafts, games, activities, etc.)
  • Feeding the children and cleaning up afterward

By the time you walk in the door (or step out of your home office), you’re greeted by a calm, organized household, and happy children—without the burden of a lengthy to-do list.

The 12-6pm Family Manager schedule is quickly becoming the preferred choice for busy families, providing seamless household management and childcare. With this tailored support, you can focus on what truly matters—creating meaningful memories with your loved ones. Please schedule a meeting on Kimberly’s calendar or Melanie’s calendar to discuss details including pay rates for your specific needs and location!