Ending Employment with Your Nanny
We hear a number of reasons why families decide to search for a new nanny - sometimes they hired on their own and neglected to set expectations up front, sometimes it’s been a few years and your needs (or your…
By kathydupuy
Posted on Jul 25, 2024
We hear a number of reasons why families decide to search for a new nanny - sometimes they hired on their own and neglected to set expectations up front, sometimes it’s been a few years and your needs (or your…
By kathydupuy
Posted on Jun 10, 2024
5 Tips to Help Your Child Bond With Your Nanny We sometimes have families whose children don’t immediately bond with their nannies, but never fear, nearly all of these situations resolve themselves on their own. If you have any concerns,…
By kathydupuy
Posted on Jan 25, 2024
As the year has ended, and a brand-new year begins, now is the perfect time to schedule a year-end review with your fantastic nanny! Picture this: a back-and-forth exchange of ideas, a celebration of wins throughout the year (mastered potty…
By kathydupuy
Posted on May 28, 2021
Avoid Being Divided and Conquered We all remember which parent would allow us to eat ice cream, which one was more likely to let us stay out later, which one was focused on your grades, and which one got more…
By kathydupuy
Posted on Jan 13, 2014
This month is a great time to step back and reflect on your role as a nanny employer. In this role, you are accountable to your family, your nanny, and to the government. We suggest creating an action plan with…
By kathydupuy
Posted on Jan 12, 2013
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time for setting goals, cleaning out your closet, or taking up a new hobby. A priority to put at the top of your list is to conduct a year-end review with…