6 Easy Ways to Use AI to Be a Better Nanny

We all know that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is constantly being talked about, and you may even have used it personally. Maybe you asked ChatGPT to help make an email or a text sound better, or you translated something, or you had it help with your resume and/or job descriptions. (If you have NO IDEA what I am talking about, here is a quick Chat GPT intro.) We have gone a bit deeper to provide you with some suggestions to make you an even more impressive Nanny! We would love any other ideas you might have!

1. Creating a Daily Schedule

Example prompts:

  • “Create a daily schedule with a 9-month-old and a 2.5-year-old for me to follow and put it in a table format.”
  • “I am a nanny who works from 8:00am-5:00pm. Create a week’s worth of daily schedules for a 4-year-old girl and her older brother who gets out of school at 3pm and has to be picked up and taken to soccer practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5 and then he has piano practice on Mondays from 3:45-4:15. Include time for me to prepare dinner for the children so it is ready to eat when I leave at 5.”

2. Research Activities and Curriculum

Example prompts:

  • “What are some creative indoor activities to do with a toddler using only construction paper, pens, and scissors?”
  • “Create a bulleted list of themed activities that I can do over two weeks with a 3-year-old boy who loves trains.”

3. Plan Meals and Snacks

Example prompts:

  • “What are 5 easy but fun snacks I can make for a 2-year-old that incorporates fruit or vegetables?”
  • “What are some easy, delicious, and healthy gluten-free dinner recipes for kids?”

4. Research Local Outings

Example prompts:

  • “What are some free or low-cost activities to do indoors in Austin with an almost 4-year-old girl?”
  • “What are the best parks in the Memorial area of Houston for 2 and 4-year-old boys?”

5. Tell Original Stories

Example prompts:

  • “Create a short story about a four-year-old named Jane who loves dogs and soccer, lives in a castle, and is really good at coloring.”
  • “Create a short story about a 2-year-old boy named Charlie who doesn’t like to take naps but ends up loving them.”

6. Learning about parenting styles

Example prompts:

  • “I am a nanny for an 18-month-old and would like ideas to incorporate 3 Montessori activities into each day for a week.”
  • “I am a nanny for a 7-month-old and a 3.5-year-old. The parents prefer the Gentle Parenting method. What does that look like to implement in day-to-day life?”

  • Since these items require either a phone or computer, we recommend you work on these outside of working hours, or designate a specific time for these tasks, such as during the child’s nap time or while the kids are at after-school activities. If you will be working on your phone during work hours, mention this to your employers so it will be perfectly clear that you are using your device(s) for nanny-related duties, not personal tasks.
  • Chat GPT is a starting point, so you will need to review the content, and edit it to be in your own voice.
  • It helps to give some context: tell Chat GPT what you do, where you live (if it relates to the search), how old the kids are, etc.
  • Refine the search: If it doesn’t come out quite right, it is easy to adjust without starting from scratch. For example, if you asked for snack ideas, and the list has been generated but you forgot to include allergies, you can type into the search “Adjust it for a child that is allergic to peanuts” and it will update the list. Then you can say “Create a grocery list to make these snacks.”
  • You don’t have to have perfect spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. – it’s smart!
  • Chat GPT can be used on a desktop or using the mobile app, and the mobile app allows you to talk to it to ask questions.

Harnessing the power of AI as a nanny can be a game-changer, elevating your childcare skills and making your job more enjoyable. Embrace these tech-savvy solutions to delight the children you care for and streamline your daily routines!