Introducing the Basics of a Second Language

The “Level Up Series” introduces advanced concepts that can take your nanny skills to the next level. We know that not every idea will resonate with you, but if you desire to be among the best in your field, we encourage you to explore something new. This, in addition to the Modern Nanny toolbox, will set you apart as a spectacular nanny.

Nannies have a unique opportunity to incorporate learning a new language into daily activities through fun and engaging methods such as songs, games, and storytelling. This not only makes the learning process enjoyable but also helps children absorb the new language more naturally.

There are so many benefits of learning languages at an early age for children:

  • When languages are introduced between the ages of 0-3, they have the best chance of becoming highly skilled in learning languages
  • Learning another language increases brain function
  • You are encouraging cultural diversity and understanding

These skills can translate into adulthood and help them for the rest of their lives. Easy ways to incorporate vocabulary learning into everyday routines include mealtimes, playtime, and books are:

  • Nannies can use flashcards as a game with rewards for memorizing words
  • They can create scavenger hunts where the object’s name is said in the other language, and the child must find the object
  • There are many fun language-themed crafts, as well as some great children’s books that can be bought in English and any other language you are integrating
  • They can use language learning apps that have fun games they can play
  • Set up a workstation for a specific place to focus on the language
  • Music and songs are a great way to help words stick for years to come!
  • There are puzzles and toys that incorporate learning vocabulary
  • A website call The Cultured Kid offers free resource packets for various languages, including SpanishFrench, and more!

Kids have a natural advantage when it comes to language learning, so introducing this knowledge early can ultimately set our children up for success.

Check our Pinterest board for more ideas, and feel free to email our bilingual Staffing Specialist (and former nanny) Elena with any questions.
