Best Practices for Traveling with Your Nanny
Bringing your nanny along on vacation can be a really great way to have fun family time as well as some worry-free adult time. We’ve seen this work amazing for families, and have unfortunately learned of horror stories due to lack of communication. In order to avoid some common issues, below are some industry-standard suggestions for traveling with your nanny.
Prior to the trip, set a time to go over all the details and expectations. It is standard for you to pay for your nanny’s travel, accommodations, and meals. We also recommend that you provide your nanny with her own bedroom and bathroom separate from the children, because it is important for there to be clear boundaries of when your nanny is off. It is important to remember that this is not a vacation for your nanny, and she will need time to relax and recharge.
Some additional considerations that you will need to answer/discuss with your nanny are:
- Will your nanny sit with you on the airplane and help with the child(ren)?
- Will your nanny be expected to pack the child(ren)’s luggage for the trip?
- Will your nanny be expected to watch the child(ren) in the evenings so the employer can go out for dinner, etc.?
- Will your nanny be expected to attend family outings? (i.e. beach, Disneyland, movies, etc)
- Will your nanny be expected to tend to the child(ren) in the middle of the night?
- Will your nanny be responsible for cooking any meals? Grocery shopping? Dishes? Laundry? Errands? Other?
- Will your nanny/family be staying at a hotel, condo, vacation property, other?
- Will your nanny join the family at all meals?
- Is ordering room service for your nanny and the child(ren) permitted or will your nanny take the child(ren) to the hotel/other restaurant if caring for them at meal times?
- How will the your nanny’s meals be covered during non-working hours? i.e food allowance, family’s groceries if the kitchen is part of accommodations, specific restaurants permitted?
- Will there be a gym? Places to hike? Library? Movie theater? Other? (These expenses will be assumed by the nanny, unless otherwise agreed upon).
While traveling, your nanny will receive her regular salary plus compensation for extra hours worked. Any work done above normal hours will be compensated for at the regular hourly or overtime rate (over 40 hours/week).
Similar to the dynamic of a working from home parent, travel can get confusing to children as both of their authority figures are present at the same time. Clearly define who is in charge and when, so everyone stays on the same page.
Even with all this planning, it is really important to stay adaptable, flexible, and keep in mind that plans always change! Have fun, enjoy the time, and treasure this time to bond with your family and your nanny!