In today’s fast-paced world, many high-profile families require extended, and even 24-hour care. They try to piece together Nanny schedules – days, evenings, weekends – but are frustrated when those placements don’t last. Rotational (ROTA) nannies are the best option for consistent, stable nanny coverage for the long-term.
ROTA nannies operate on a 7-14 day rotating schedule (depending on the children’s ages), and depending on the needs of a family (number of children, ages), they may have anywhere from 1-3 nannies working at a time (including a lead nanny). This flexibility is a game-changer for families juggling crazy hours or needing care at unconventional times. ROTA nannies tag-team like champions – with their rotating schedules, your kiddos have a consistent flow of care, and the nannies get the downtime they need to come back fully refreshed and ready to give their all to your children.
Here are some more details about this type of Nanny:
- We recommend this solution when the family’s schedule exceeds 50 hours/week and/or 5 days/week of coverage.
- ROTA Nannies offer a built-in back-up caregiver(s) when a nanny goes on vacation, or has other reasons why they may not be able to cover their shifts.
- We recommend a strong, lead nanny who serves as a mentor paired with teachable nannies.
- In some cases when families are open to a broader network of caregivers, ROTA Nannies may not be local. In these cases, sometimes a stipend may be provided for flights back and forth (depending on where they live, etc. – ask us when this is the case).
- We have found that other variations for around-the-clock coverage – 12 hr-12 hr, daytime / weekend / nighttime nanny, or a single nanny – have significant drawbacks for 24-hour coverage. We’d love to provide you with more information!
- When ROTA nannies are caring for infants, ROTA nannies typically have 4-6 hours/day as a break for sleep, etc.
If you are seeking an extended (up to round-the-clock 24-hour solutions), or have had a tough time keeping long-term nannies that have a variety of schedules to cover your needs, let’s talk. We can even help you transition your current nanny team by talking them through the benefits of this new schedule. Contact us now!